Dimple Creation

A dimpleplasty is a type of plastic surgery used to create dimples on the cheeks. Dimples are the indentations that occur when some people smile. They’re most often located on the bottoms of the cheeks. Some people may also have chin dimples. Know more

Surgical steps

A dimpleplasty is performed on an outpatient basis. This means you can get the procedure done at your surgeon’s office without having to go to the hospital. You may also not need to be put under general anesthesia.

First, your doctor will apply a topical anesthetic, such as lidocaine, to the area of skin. This helps to ensure you don’t experience any pain or discomfort during the surgery. It takes about 10 minutes for the anesthetic to take effect.

Your doctor then uses a small biopsy instrument to make a hole in your skin to manually create a dimple. A small amount of muscle and fat is removed to aid in this creation. The area is about 2 to 3 millimeters in length.

Once your doctor creates the space for the future dimple, they then position a suture (sling) from one side of the cheek muscle to the other. The sling is then tied to set the dimple permanently in place.

Recovery timeline

Recovery from dimpleplasty is relatively straightforward. You don’t need to stay in the hospital. In fact, you can usually go home immediately after the surgery. Soon after the procedure, you might experience mild swelling. You can apply cold packs to reduce swelling, but it will usually go away on its own within a few days.

Most people can return to work, school, and other regular activities two days after having a dimpleplasty. Your surgeon will likely want to see you a couple of weeks after the procedure to assess the results.

Questions? We got Answers!

If you were not born with dimples, it is not possible to get dimples that will be long lasting with methods such as facial exercise. Some people have tried to get dimples by having their cheeks pierced instead of a dimpleplasty. Unfortunately, results with piercing can be limited and variable. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of having a dimple piercing.
Most healthy people can be candidates for dimpleplasty. During your consultation a review of your medical history and an examination will determine if you are a candidate.
Cheek dimple creation (dimpleplasty) is a procedure that can be done under local anesthesia. Prior to your procedure, Oculoplastic surgeon will mark the area with you so you are fully aware of the planned dimple placement. During the procedure, doctor will make a small opening inside the mouth and work on the buccinator muscle inside the cheek to create a natural-looking dimple. The inside of the cheek is closed with dissolvable stitches and you’re able to resume most normal activities following the short procedure. Since the procedure is performed inside the mouth, there is no obvious appearance of surgery from the outside. Your doctor combines his technical skills, artistry and expertise for a quicker recovery so you can enjoy the compliments related to your new dimples sooner.
During your consultation with a doctor, he will provide you with information about the optimal placement and the degree of depth you can anticipate.

As with any surgical procedure, it’s important to stop blood thinning medications. If you have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes or any other medical conditions, you need to inform your doctor of this. It’s routine to have patients take oral antibiotics and use an antibacterial oral rinse before surgery. During your consultation, your doctor will review your medical and dental history as well as any current medications and supplements you may be taking.
