Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is performed to enhance the appearance, size, and contour of a woman’s breasts. Women consider breast augmentation for many different reasons. Some women feel their breasts are too small. Some desire augmentation after their breasts change after pregnancy.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery is often used in women with large, heavy breasts who experience significant discomfort including neck pain, back pain, and numbness or weakness due to the weight of the breasts. During this procedure, excess skin, fat, and breast tissue are removed.
Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction surgery is often performed in women who undergo mastectomy as a treatment for breast cancer. The procedure recreates a breast with the desired appearance, contour, and volume.
Breast Lifts (Mastopexy)
In some women, the skin is not strong or resilient enough to support the weight of the breast, causing the breasts to sag. With this condition, called ptosis, there is too much skin compared to breast tissue. To give the breast a lift, the excess skin must be removed.
Also known as ‘rejection’, ‘encapsulation’ and ‘adverse capsular contracture’, this is simply the body’s response to any implant (such as heart valves, neurological shunts and the like) whereby protective scar tissue seals off the foreign body. In a small minority, between 2-5%, this natural reaction will be more active and cause the breast to appear firm. Whilst not dangerous, it can distort the breast and affect the cosmetic result.
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