PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy involves injection of the patient’s own platelets and fibrin for the cosmetic treatment of wrinkles or scars in the face, hands, and neck.

PRP for Skin-The procedure

The first phase of the procedure involves drawing your own blood and isolating the platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a procedure that only takes a few minutes. The platelets are activated to initiate the release of growth factors that promote tissue repair or regeneration and promote healing. These growth factors are injected back into the stem cells present in the area of the skin being treated. This part of the procedure is done in a very particular way to trick the skin into thinking that part of the skin is injured. This stem cells respond to the repair and heal the skin “injury” by growing new collagen, blood vessels and fatty tissue, which results in rejuvenated and younger-looking skin that lasts about nine months to two years.

Procedure Advantages

PRP is a comfortable, in-office, non-surgical procedure that takes about an hour start-to-finish, and most of that time, the patient is just relaxing. One of the main advantages of this procedure is that there is no risk for an allergic reaction because it uses your own blood. PRP Face-Lift is a highly effective treatment for both men and women.

  • No risk of allergic reaction because it uses your own blood
  • It’s a safe, non-invasive and non-surgical procedure
  • Only minimal pain or discomfort
  • Has little or no side effects
  • Requires fewer treatments
  • Treats skin imperfections
  • Causes no harm or injury to surrounding skin


Technology Involved

The PRP is collected in a syringe and is injected back into your tissues where it’s needed. The growth factors that are released upon injection stimulate stem cells to create new, youthful tissue in areas such as the face, scalp, sex organs, muscles, and joints. It’s like turning back the cellular clock. What was old and damaged is repaired and made new; the essence of regenerative medicine. AMS approach/advantage

Every individual rightfully aspires to look good and fresh in a youthful and natural way. At Cosmo, we assimilate impeccable artistic vision and best technological breakthroughs in dermatology to enhance the natural exquisite beauty of your skin.

PRP For Hair

Along with skin treatments, Cosmo is one of the best hair loss treatment center for men and women focused and dedicated solely to the practice of hair transplant surgery and hair loss prevention. A clinic that is dedicated to achieving results using the latest techniques and innovations in hair restoration surgery. Our dedication to hair restoration means that our patients get the most advanced techniques, a natural hair transplant, and the easiest recovery, at an absolute value and price.

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Questions? We got Answers!

Platelet rich plasma therapy involves using your own blood to create a more youthful appearance. This blood will be mechanically processed, a process in which the platelets will be separated from the blood, and then injected into wrinkles, scars, and other droopy areas in much the same manner of Botox or other fillers.
The wounds (albeit small ones!) created by the injections will cause the platelets to go into healing mode and begin to repair the tissue around the area, basically encouraging your body to activate its own healing processes and leaving behind smoother skin with less wrinkles and a luminescent appearance.
Initially, you may need monthly treatments, but after the first three months, you should be able to go 18 months or longer before needing another treatment.
While you may get a more dramatic and immediate change from Botox or other fillers, PRP therapy takes a little longer and provides a more natural result. Your skin will regain the glow of youth that you once took for granted, and many people enjoy the fact that they aren’t injecting chemicals into their bodies.

Because you are using your own blood to improve your appearance, nearly everyone is a good candidate for the procedure. But if you are looking for immediate results, or are expecting a “china doll” complexion with absolutely no wrinkles or scars showing, PRP may not be for you. The more natural results obtained from this type of therapy give you the appearance that you are aging gracefully more than the appearance of turning back time.
