
Do you dream about beautiful hair; hair which shine, are thicker, whose volume will not let you hear, and whose locks will give natural grace?

Step at “Cosmo Polyclinic” to experience the regrowth of thinning hair & strengthening of fineness of hair with non-surgical hair treatments in India.

The answer to your hair loss treatment question is “Mesotherapy treatment in India” by Cosmo Polyclinic.

Benefits of mesotherapy treatment

  • Mesotherapy treatment is a non-surgical alternative for hair regrowth
  • Mesotherapy is a procedure of providing the scalp with boost of vitamin & improving blood flow for hair regrowth
  • It treats the bald patches, and activates the follicles to show positive results for hair regrowth in both men & women
  • Mesotherapy treatment for hair loss, is approached with injection of vial consisting of components necessary for hair restoration or revitalization
  • As injection gun is use to inject the vial, so Mesotherapy treatment takes around 10 to 30 minutes depending on the area of baldness or thinning hair
  • Globally clients have reviewed it to be less painful and faster procedure
  • Mesotherapy is useful for hair loss, as it negate the DHT hormone, and ensure hair regrowth


5 sessions of Mesotherapy treatment is required for maximum visible results.

  • Mesotherapy experts at Cosmo Polyclinic will schedule your sessions and determine the number of sessions required for hair loss treatment
  • The chance of success of Mesotherapy treatment is regarded by hair experts to be 92% to 90% successful
  • Mesotherapy makes your hair follicle grow faster and survive in long run due to active blood circulation
  • Cosmo Polyclinic, guarantees ‘Mesotherapy treatment is more successful in comparison to hair regrowth tablets or medications or products.
  • Cosmo Polyclinic – No more Baldness; no patchy hair loss; & zero chance of progressive thinning of hair.

Questions? We got Answers!

An injection is administered just below the surface of the skin at the location of the problem area. It can be used just about anywhere on the body, but is mostly used to treat the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, knees, and ankles.

Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten skin, as well as remove excess fat.

Michel Pistor, a doctor in France, developed the technique in 1952. It was originally used to relieve pain. In the years since, it has gained popularity in the United States and other parts of the world.

Today, mesotherapy is used to:

  • remove fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, legs, arms, and face
  • reduce cellulite
  • fade wrinkles and lines
  • tighten loose skin
  • recontour the body
  • lighten pigmented skin
  • treat alopecia, a condition that causes hair loss

The technique uses very fine needles to deliver a series of injections into the middle layer (mesoderm) of skin. The idea behind mesotherapy is that it corrects underlying issues like poor circulation and inflammation that cause skin damage.

Doctors use many different solutions, serums and medicines as required including:

  • prescription medicines like vasodilators and antibiotics
  • hormones such as calcitonin and thyroxin
  • enzymes like collagenase and hyaluronidase
  • herbal extracts
  • vitamins and minerals
You’ll meet with the doctor ahead of time to find out what to expect. You might have to avoid aspirin (Bufferin) and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for one week before the procedure. These pain relievers can increase your risk of bleeding and bruising during mesotherapy.
The procedure has minimal discomfort, but if a patient is sensitive to needles, local anesthetic or numbing cream can be used. The discomfort level is often compared to that of waxing.

During each session, you may or may not have numbing medicine applied to your skin. You’ll get a series of injections using a special short needle. The needle may be attached to a mechanical gun to deliver many injections in a row.

The injections can be given at different depths — from 1 to 4 millimeters into your skin — depending on what condition you’re having treated. Your doctor may place the needle into your skin at an angle, or flick their wrist very quickly while injecting. Each injection may only place a tiny drop of the solution into your skin.

You’ll probably need several mesotherapy sessions to get the desired effect. You should expect to return to the doctor between 3 to 15 times. At first, you’ll get the injections every 7 to 10 days. If your skin starts to improve, the treatments will be stretched out to once every two weeks or once a month.

Because mesotherapy is noninvasive, there usually isn’t any downtime. Many people are able to return to their regular activities right away. Others may need to take a day off due to swelling and pain at the injection sites.

Patients who make a commitment to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle following treatment should see their results last. Some patients require some maintenance every six to twelve months.
