
Microblading is a type of eyebrow architecture. It is all about creating the best shape for each face – a totally bespoke approach for each client.

The process is very precise thanks to the tool that is used which is effectively like a pen with the nib being a sloped blade with 10-12 little needles at the end – needles that don’t penetrate the skin but just delicately scratch the surface, much like a paper cut.


Long Lasting Results

This non-invasive process offers fantastic results. In layman terms, consider it like a permanent tattoo that gives you perfect brow look. You only need to get your eyebrows micro-bladed once every 2–3 years. The microbladed eyebrows retain their shape and size for years to come except for the need of a few touch ups. Therefore, you don’t have to rush to the salon every time you are invited to a party.

Hassle-free and Needs No Maintenance

With microblading, you need not bother about arching the eyebrow in an ideal shape, plucking or getting waxed too. This is one of the most beautiful ways to have flawless eyebrows.

Easy Solution to Regain Eyebrows

The Microblading process is perfect for people who have lost their eyebrows due to an illness or chemotherapy. These people can easily regain natural looking eyebrows in a couple of hours.

Painless, Safe and Effective

You can get the right shape for your eyebrows in a virtually painless manner. Microblading produces natural-looking semi-permanent eyebrows and is completely safe too. The process does not have any side effects and is effective as well.

Natural Looking Results

It is nearly impossible to spot a difference between a natural eyebrow and a micro-bladed one. The best Microblading makeup clinics in the industry know how to use this technique to their advantage and give customers the desired look for eyebrow.

Waterproof Results

A commonly associated problem with artificially drawn eyebrows is that they often get smudged and distorted under the effect of sweat or water. However, you face no such problem with a micro-bladed eyebrow.

Quick Process

The best part of the process is that you don’t need to hide inside the house due to swollen skin, bandages, cuts etc. With Microblading, you get immediate results. You’ll be impressed with the impact of these eyebrows.

Questions? We got Answers!

There are people who are sensitive and allergic to some pigments, but in my experience this is extremely rare. I will always perform a patch or scratch test to check you are not allergic prior to the treatment.

Microblading lasts anything between 12-18 months, but the longevity of the pigment will depend on your skin type.

People with slightly more oily skin will tend to last around the 12 month mark before needing a top up, but those with normal skin can last up to 18 months.

Your brows will eventually fade away if you don’t continue with top-ups every 18 months or so. There is no scaring or discolouration with the pigments used, so you wouldn’t know if you left them to fade out.

It doesn’t hurt as such, it is more a sensation. The process itself is not painful thanks to the numbing ointment that is applied. It’s sometimes the sound of the blade which people find worse – a small scratching sound.

The whole process is very quick – it’s actually the numbing which takes most of the time (50mins), you aren’t under the needle for the whole 2 hours.

Yes – the pigment used leaves no scarring or discolouration, and I can use a salt/saline solution to remove microbladed brows.

It is very important to know and understand that brows will be up to 40% darker in shade for the first 7-10 days during the healing process where scabs can form and flake off.

Ladies can sometimes leave the studio, and two days later be terrified that their brows are too dark, but please be patient – as this is totally normal! After 7-10 days, you will begin to see the final colouring.

Yes! A touch up session after 4-6 weeks is necessary as everyone heals differently and outcome will vary. Certain areas may not pick up during first session and will need to be refilled. Pigment color may need to be adjusted, brow thickness and more strokes can be added. Individuals with oily skin often require a deeper shade during the touch up session as the oils tend to lighten the pigment. Most importantly, your touch up session is when we refine your brows to ensure it looks perfect and retains the color for the whole year!
Touch up sessions should not be done earlier than 4 weeks after initial microblading session as pigment color has not fully settled into the skin. Most importantly, this is to prevent scar damage as the tissue requires time to completely heal.

Microblading is not suitable for the following candidates: Using Accutane Have heart conditions or using heart medications Have diabetes (will require a physician’s note) Have skin disease or irritations Have had Botox in the last 2 weeks Have gotten a deep tan or chemical peels in the last 2 weeks Allergic to lidocaine, prilocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine or epinephrine Anyone who has any serious medical conditions may require a physician’s note.
